Arquitectura sostenible

Selección de proyectos que han sido diseñados siguiendo parámetros de sostenibilidad. Mediante un mismo esquema de análisis y completa información gráfica, se presentan proyectos adaptados a las condiciones climáticas de emplazamientos que van desde Australia hasta la India. A partir de los ejemplos mostrados puede verse que el oficio del arquitecto, que incorpora criterios bioclimáticos desde la fase de proyecto, puede materializarse en edificaciones confortables y de alta calidad arquitectónica.

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Architecture of France

Covering all regions of France, from Avignon's Palace of the Popes to Versailles' Petit Trianon, and all periods of French architecture, from the Roman theater at Orange to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, this volume examines more than 60 of France's most important architectural landmarks. Writing in a clear and engaging style, David Hanser, professor of architecture at Oklahoma State University, describes the features, functions, and historical importance of each structure. Besides identifying location, style, architects, and periods of initial construction and major renovation, the cross-referenced and illustrated entries also highlight architectural and historical terms explained in the Glossary and conclude with a useful listing of further readings. The volume also offers ready-reference lists of entries by location, architectural style, and time period, as well as a general bibliography, a subject index, and a detailed introductory overview of French architecture. Entries cover major architectural structures as well as smaller sites, including everything from the Cathedral of Notre Dame to Metro (subway) stations. Topics include: BLAigues-Mortes BLArc de Triomphe BLBasilica of the Sacre Coeur BLChartres Cathedral BLEiffel Tower BLFontainbleau BLLouvre and Tuileries Gardens BLMadeleine BLMont St. Michel BLNimes Amphitheater BLParis Opera (Palais Garnier) BLPompidou Center BLReims Cathedral BLVersailles BLVilla Savoye Ideal for college and high school students alike, this comprehensive look at the architecture of France is an indispensible addition to any shelf.

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Architecture in Europe since 1968

Architecture in Europe since 1968: Memory & Innovation

Winner of an American Institute of Architects Award, this book surveys 20 years characterized by conflict between tradition and invention, modern and anti-modern, and by an abundance of disparate design solutions. More than 75 projects are presented with critical essays, photographs, drawings, site diagrams, construction details, and extensive ation. 563 illus. 201 in color.

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Tectónica 9

TECTÓNICA 9 acero (I)

Presentación: Naturalidad del acero
Prólogo: Acero: proyecto de futuro
Salvador Pérez Arroyo

Construir en acero: forma y estructura en el espacio continuo
Ramón Araujo
Hierro sublimado
José Jurado Egea

Centro Hispano-Luso en Zamora
Manuel de las Casas
Centro Deportivo en Valdemoro, Madrid
María Fraile y Javier Revillo
Piscinas Municipales en Pinto, Madrid
Ramón Araujo
Palacio de Deportes de Gijón
Salvador Pérez Arroyo

Dossier de productos
Josechu Mateu
Índice de empresas

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Tectónica 8

TECTÓNICA 8 cubiertas (II) inclinadas

Presentación: La cubierta inclinada: de cobijo natural a imposición formal
Prólogo: La imagen del refugio
Gastón Bachelard

La cubierta inclinada
Joan Lluís Zamora
Evolución de la cubierta de teja en edificios de vivienda
Jaume Avellaneda

Hospital de Manacor
Ángel Fernández Alba y Fernando Cruz Alonso
Casa Cabaní en Castellar de N'Hug
Eduard Bru
Museo de Arte Moderno y Arquitectura en Estocolmo
Rafael Moneo

Dossier de productos
Josechu Mateu
Índice de empresas

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Tectónica 7

TECTÓNICA 7 junta seca / dossier construcción 1

Presentación: En seco
Prólogo: Arquitectura en seco, esencia constructiva
Roberto Ercilla

La unión en arquitectura
Enrique Seco

Quiosco Río Florida en Vitoria
Roberto Ercilla y Miguel Ángel Campo
Piscinas Municipales para la Diputación de A Coruña
Cristóbal Crespo, Carlos Quintáns y Antonio Raya
Centro de Información de Elcogás en Puertollano
Luis Feduchi

Dossier de productos
Índice de empresas

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Architectural Detailing

"Allen and Rand keep their attention on what adds up to make a great space while including sustainability and the International Building code to this edition. Their concise patterns control water and air leakage, control heat and sound flow, accommodate movement, provide structural support, allow for mechanical and electrical services, maintain health and safety, consider the life cycle of the building, and ensure construction through ease of assembly, efficient use of construction resources, and judicious use of aesthetically satisfying but forgiving details."

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21st Century Hotels

The public's appetite for new and excitingly designed hotels is insatiable. Never before have hotels been so earnestly responsive to the zeitgeist. How else can we explain the latest trends in design which at one extreme increasingly blur the border between lodging, lifestyle and living theatre, and at the other seek to reinvent the more discreet manners and style of the grand hotels of the late 19th century? 21st-Century Hotel highlights the latest examples of these trends and more as the international hotel sector finds newer and more imaginative ways to invent and reinvent itself in order to match the mood of the moment. A large-format bible of style for architects and interior designers, this book outlines the very latest developments in types of hotel design and then showcases the best on international scene through five themed chapters. It features forty six unusual

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Alvar Aalto works & projects

Con gran cantidad de imágenes y documentación gráfica, este libro ofrece cerca de cien obras y proyectos del maestro nórdico, ordenados tipologicamente, con una breve capítulo dedicado al diseño de muebles y objetos. Se añade también un exhaustivo catálogo cronológico de la obra de Alvar Aalto junto a un perfil biográfico.

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Via Arquitectura N.05 Infraestructuras / Infrastructures

Via Arquitectura N.05 Infraestructuras / Infrastructures

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Via Arquitectura N.04 Habitar/Housing

Via Arquitectura N.04 Habitar/Housing

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Via Arquitectura N.03 Cajas/Boxes

Via Arquitectura N.03 Cajas/Boxes

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